Advances in Information Management and Economic Development Research Mark Ogiela, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland en-US Advances in Information Management and Economic Development Research 3007-9632 The Impact of Green Finance on Carbon Emissions: An Empirical Study Based on Spatial Metrology <p>Green finance plays a crucial role in driving industrial transformation and upgrading,</p> <p>crucial for China’s dual carbon goals. This study constructs comprehensive green finance indicators</p> <p>from market and policy perspectives using the entropy method. Panel data from 30 Chinese</p> <p>provinces (2007-2020) is analyzed via spatial Durbin model to assess the impact of green finance</p> <p>policies on carbon emissions, considering driving mechanisms and geographical heterogeneity.</p> <p>Findings show a steady increase in green finance development across Chinese provinces, with the</p> <p>east leading. Local green finance significantly correlates with carbon reduction, especially in the</p> <p>east and central regions. Policy recommendations are derived from these insights. The final policy</p> <p>recommendations come from these insights.</p> Tiantian Du Junqi Su Zihan Deng Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 1 1 1 7 10.70114/aimedr.2024.1.1.P1 Research on Innovative Development of Urban Low-carbon Technology and Green Economy <p>This paper focuses on analyzing the effects and mechanisms of green fiscal expenditure</p> <p>policies on low-carbon technology innovation. This section selects pilot cities with comprehensive</p> <p>demonstration of energy conservation and emission reduction fiscal policies as typical green fiscal</p> <p>expenditure policies from the city level, focusing on green fiscal expenditure.On this basis, this</p> <p>paper conducts econometric model analysis on the estimated coefficients of the benchmark</p> <p>regression, confirms the robustness of the benchmark regression results, and finds through</p> <p>heterogeneity analysis that the effect of the demonstration policy in promoting low-carbon</p> <p>technology innovation is more significant in non-resource-based cities and non-old industrial base</p> <p>cities.</p> Jianxia Wang Ding Ma Jingjing Chen Yinuo Zhu Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 1 1 8 13 10.70114/aimedr.2024.1.1.P8 E-Commerce Delivery Optimization with Bicycle Deliveryman and Dual Autonomous Robots <p>The rapid growth of e-commerce has led to a surge in package deliveries, particularly</p> <p>during promotional events, resulting in increased workload for deliveryman. To address this</p> <p>challenge, this paper explores traveling salesman problem with bike and two autonomous delivery</p> <p>robots-referred to as 2TSPBR. The robots, each with three different-sized cargo compartments, are</p> <p>responsible for delivering packages of varying sizes. When their inventory is low, they restock from</p> <p>the bicycle’s service points. The Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) algorithm is employed to</p> <p>generate and optimize delivery routes for the bicycle and robots. The results indicate that the VNS</p> <p>algorithm significantly outperforms the CPLEX solver in terms of computational time, providing rapid</p> <p>convergence to near-optimal solutions. This study demonstrates the efficiency and effectiveness of</p> <p>the proposed VNS algorithm in delivering accurate solutions for the integrated delivery system.</p> Wenxuan Kang Li Wang Yuxiang Tang Wenchao Liu Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 1 1 14 19 10.70114/aimedr.2024.1.1.P14 Evaluation of Data Assets for Internet Enterprises: A Case Study on K Company <p>The "Digital China" agenda has made data assets crucial for enterprises’</p> <p>competitiveness, especially on the Internet sector. However, the current method of evaluating their</p> <p>worth needs improvement. Taking K Company as an example, this study, based on analytic</p> <p>hierarchy process, uses the binomial tree model to evaluate the value of data assets by determining</p> <p>their potential worth. It aims to promote the growth of the data economy and digital transformation in</p> <p>manufacturing organizations by focusing on revenue.</p> Eryao Xu Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 1 1 20 24 10.70114/aimedr.2024.1.1.P20 The Impact of Low-Carbon Pilot City Policy on Corporate Asset Efficiency: Evidence from China's A-Share Listed Companies <p>This study employs machine learning and the difference-in-differences (DID) approach to</p> <p>analyze the impact of China's "Low-Carbon City" pilot policy on the asset efficiency of A-share listed</p> <p>companies. The findings indicate that the policy has generally suppressed corporate asset</p> <p>efficiency, particularly in state-owned enterprises and large-scale companies. The study also</p> <p>reveals that the policy's impact is not significant in enterprises located in the eastern regions.</p> <p>Further robustness checks are conducted through predictive analysis using the random forest</p> <p>model, confirming the stability of the results. This research provides a basis for optimizing</p> <p>low-carbon policies and is of significant importance for promoting corporate low-carbon</p> <p>transformation and sustainable economic development.</p> Chenhong Zheng Fangshun Xiao Shiyuan Lin Mengqian Zhang Jiawei Lin Mengzhe Liu Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 1 1 25 32 10.70114/aimedr.2024.1.1.P25 Research on the operational capital management performance of real estate enterprises under the background of high-quality developmen <p>Taking Vanke Real Estate as the research object, this study uses entropy weight method</p> <p>and grey relational analysis to quantitatively evaluate its working capital management performance</p> <p>from three dimensions: profitability, riskiness, and liquidity. The results show that during the period</p> <p>from 2021 to 2023, Vanke ranks behind Poly in terms of comprehensive grey relational degree</p> <p>ranking, indicating inferior working capital management performance compared to Poly. Based on</p> <p>the above analysis results, this study provides insightful suggestions for optimizing the working</p> <p>capital management strategies of real estate companies. It serves as a theoretical reference for</p> <p>improving the working capital management performance of real estate enterprises and promoting</p> <p>their high-quality development.</p> Qian Huang Keming Zhou Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-23 2024-07-23 1 1 33 40 10.70114/aimedr.2024.1.1.P33 A Brief History of the Early Development of China's Social Philanthropy Field and Its Impact on the Later Development of the Philanthropy Field <p>Although charity has been developed in China for decades, its basic value attributes have</p> <p>not been truly stimulated in Chinese society. If we look at the development of philanthropy in China</p> <p>alone, we will not only fail to touch the core of the problem, but also deviate from it. Based on a brief</p> <p>analysis of the early development history, this paper finds that the problem has been foreshadowed</p> <p>in the earliest historical development. Through a combination of qualitative research methods, this</p> <p>paper realizes that the key to improving and even solving the problems in the field of public welfare</p> <p>and charity in Chinese society does not lie in the problems of the field itself, but rather in the political</p> <p>behaviors and modus operandi behind the problems that appear to be public welfare and charity.</p> Zhiguo Wang Siying Liu Yuhui He Kwisik Min Jing Hu Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-23 2024-07-23 1 1 41 47 10.70114/aimedr.2024.1.1.P41 Hybrid Deep Learning Model for Traffic Flow and Speed Forecasting at Urban Junction <p>The hybrid deep learning model H-CNN-LSTM (Hybrid Convolution Neural Network and</p> <p>Long Short-Term Memory) is introduced in this paper. The model combines CNN to extract traffic</p> <p>flow and speed features, LSTM networks to model temporal dependencies, and employs a</p> <p>combined matrix and a rolling forward input method during data input, enhancing the</p> <p>coarse-grained extraction of traffic data and further refining the utilization of adjacent data. Our</p> <p>research focuses on the complex dynamic traffic conditions of Fuli East Road in Xigu District,</p> <p>Lanzhou City of China. Using detailed traffic video data collected during one month of evening rush</p> <p>hours, we predict future traffic using the H-CNN-LSTM model. By comparing it with other prediction</p> <p>methods, we validate the effectiveness of our approach in predicting traffic flow and speed in</p> <p>real-world traffic scenarios</p> Li Ma Yongshun Wang Xiaoshi Lv Yongheng He Guixin Wang Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 1 1 48 57 10.70114/aimedr.2024.1.1.P48 Predicting Traffic Congestion in the Construction of Smart Cities in the Northwest Industrial Center: A Case Study in Lanzhou of China <p>Intelligent transportation is a crucial component in the construction of smart cities. This</p> <p>paper conducts a case study on the traffic conditions at the intersection of Fuli East Road in Xigu</p> <p>District, Lanzhou, an industrial hub in northwest China, during the evening peak hours from 17:30 to</p> <p>19:00 in June 2022, and discusses the traffic situation in the city. The paper describes the</p> <p>geographical location of the intersection, presents the data sources, and ensures the robustness of</p> <p>the data. Based on 30 days of evening rush hour traffic data, conclusions are drawn about the</p> <p>actual traffic conditions in the area. Using the Random Forest prediction method, the traffic speed</p> <p>and volume for future time periods are forecasted, and the level of traffic congestion during the</p> <p>evening rush hour in the area is assessed. The paper also proposes solutions to alleviate traffic</p> <p>congestion in the construction of smart cities. This paper provides a theoretical foundation for</p> <p>strategy formulation for urban planning and smart transportation development in the region</p> Li Ma Xiaoshi Lv Wude Xu Lixia Chang Yongshun Wang Lei Pan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 1 1 58 67 10.70114/aimedr.2024.1.1.P58 Comprehensive Enhancement and Renovation Strategies for Old Hospitals in Urban Central Areas: A Case Study of Huiai Hospital in Guangzhou <p>The renovation project of Huiai Hospital in Guangzhou serves as a typical example of</p> <p>comprehensive updating, overall planning, and phased construction for old urban hospitals. It</p> <p>addresses representative and complex issues encountered in the renovation of outdated hospitals.</p> <p>By analyzing cases of renovation in urban center old hospitals, this study identifies the constraints</p> <p>faced in hospital renovation, summarizes the complex issues in the construction of old hospitals,</p> <p>and proposes targeted renovation strategies. These strategies include vertical and horizontal</p> <p>development, establishing transportation interfaces, reorganizing planning structures, integrating</p> <p>regional characteristics, and coexisting of old and new elements. These insights provide a</p> <p>reference for future related hospital construction projects</p> Ming Li Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 1 1 68 77 10.70114/aimedr.2024.1.1.P68 Research on the Construction of Scenarios for Blockchain to Empower Government Governance <p>This paper delves into the potential and practical challenges of blockchain in government</p> <p>governance. As a cutting-edge development in information and communication technology,</p> <p>blockchain offers unique capabilities in data management and value transfer, presenting new</p> <p>solutions for government governance. The article begins with an overview of the definition,</p> <p>connotation, and current application status of blockchain technology, and then constructs typical</p> <p>scenarios where blockchain technology empowers government governance, including electronic</p> <p>credentials, government data circulation, data resource sharing, collaborative office work, and</p> <p>digital rural revitalization. By realizing these scenarios, the paper analyzes the main problems and</p> <p>challenges faced by blockchain technology in government governance, such as inadequate</p> <p>infrastructure, data leakage risks, and difficulties in inter-departmental collaboration. Finally, a</p> <p>series of suggestions and prospects are put forward to promote the effective application of</p> <p>blockchain technology in digital government affairs, enhancing the transparency, efficiency, and</p> <p>intelligent level of government governance</p> Ailing Xiong Zhongbiao Yu Zhiyong Liang Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 1 1 78 88 10.70114/aimedr.2024.1.1.P78 Charity Publicity Strategy, Corporate Warmth and Consumer Response <p>In recent years, corporate philanthropy activities have made important contributions to</p> <p>helping the socially disadvantaged, narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor, strengthening</p> <p>emergency rescue and disaster relief, and promoting people's livelihood. On the one hand,</p> <p>enterprises have the appeal of economic interests, on the other hand, they also have the obligation</p> <p>to assume social responsibility, through charity activities can not only assume social responsibility,</p> <p>but also increase consumers' positive brand attitude and purchase intention, and improve the</p> <p>business conditions of enterprises. However, in real life, many companies do not pay attention to</p> <p>publicity work, resulting in charity activities that do not achieve the expected results of the enterprise,</p> <p>and even create the impression that consumers are "hypocritical". Although the company has paid</p> <p>the cost to undertake corporate social responsibility, it has not received the expected consumer</p> <p>response. Developing an effective publicity strategy for philanthropy can improve the situation and</p> <p>make corporate philanthropy work the most effective. So, what are the publicity factors that should</p> <p>be included in a corporate philanthropy publicity strategy? How do the various publicityl factors</p> <p>affect consumer response? The mechanism of its influence deserves in-depth study. First, three</p> <p>dimensions of corporate philanthropic publicity strategies are explored, publicity time, publicity</p> <p>media, and publicity initiative. From the consumer response perspective, the effects of corporate</p> <p>warmth on consumers' corporate attitudes and purchase intentions are also considered. Second,</p> <p>the impact of charity publicity strategy on consumer response under the regulation of corporate</p> <p>warmth is constructed. Applying two-factor ANOVA, it is found that the effects of publicity time and</p> <p>publicity initiative on consumer response are moderated by corporate warmth, while the effects of</p> <p>publicity media on consumer response are partially moderated. Finally, an orthogonal test is applied</p> <p>to find out the optimal combination of the three charitable publicity methods on consumer response.</p> <p>Aiming to help enterprises understand the mechanism of charitable publicity strategy on consumer</p> <p>response, and realize the purpose of effectively guiding consumer response and promoting</p> <p>consumers' recognition and support of corporate charitable activities</p> Xianying Xu Jie Cheng Xi Chen Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-15 2024-10-15 1 1 89 101 10.70114/aimedr.2024.1.1.P89