A Brief History of the Early Development of China's Social Philanthropy Field and Its Impact on the Later Development of the Philanthropy Field

Zhiguo Wang. Siying Liu. Yuhui He. Kwisik Min. Jing Hu.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.70114/aimedr.2024.1.1.P41


Chinese Society; Philanthropy; Social Governance; International Development; Social Development; NGOs; History of Philanthropy in China.


Although charity has been developed in China for decades, its basic value attributes have not been truly stimulated in Chinese society. If we look at the development of philanthropy in China alone, we will not only fail to touch the core of the problem, but also deviate from it. Based on a brief analysis of the early development history, this paper finds that the problem has been foreshadowed in the earliest historical development. Through a combination of qualitative research methods, this paper realizes that the key to improving and even solving the problems in the field of public welfare and charity in Chinese society does not lie in the problems of the field itself, but rather in the political behaviors and modus operandi behind the problems that appear to be public welfare and charity.


