Advances in Humanities and Modern Education Research Dr. R. Pata, Prinpal, S. G. Balekundri Institute of Technolog en-US Advances in Humanities and Modern Education Research 3007-9659 Exploring the Feasibility and Educational Suggestions for Integrating OBE Educational Concepts into Higher Vocational English Courses <p>In response to the English curriculum standards of higher vocational colleges in both</p> <p>society and the nation, this study explores the feasibility of applying Outcome-Based Education</p> <p>(OBE) concepts into higher vocational English courses. A teaching experiment was conducted with</p> <p>161 students selected from 4 parallel classes at a public higher vocational college in Guangdong</p> <p>Province. The intervention involved teachers in the experimental class utilizing the "Design Plan for</p> <p>the Application of OBE Educational Concepts in Hotel English Courses" provided by the</p> <p>researchers, while the control class proceeded with regular teaching methods. Following an 8-week</p> <p>intervention period, it was found that students in the experimental class demonstrated significantly</p> <p>higher academic performance compared to those in the control class, indicating the positive impact</p> <p>of integrating OBE educational concepts into higher vocational English courses. At the same time,</p> <p>researchers randomly selected 8 students for semi-structured interviews. The results of the</p> <p>interviews revealed that students in the experimental class responded positively and demonstrated</p> <p>recognition and acceptance of the OBE teaching method. Conclusion: The application of the OBE</p> <p>educational concept in higher vocational English courses is deemed feasible. As a result, the</p> <p>researchers have provided educational recommendations for English teachers in higher vocational</p> <p>schools, aiming to foster innovation and enhance educational quality in the field.</p> Wei Leng Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 1 1 1 6 10.70114/ahmer.2024.1.1.P1 Optimizing GPT Technology in Educational Administration: Strategies, Practices, and Action Research Insights <p>With the rapid advancement of information technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has</p> <p>shown broad application prospects across various fields, particularly in educational administration.</p> <p>GPT technology, with its powerful natural language processing and understanding capabilities, can</p> <p>enhance the efficiency of educational administration, optimize resource allocation, and promote</p> <p>managerial innovation. This study aims to explore the practical applications of GPT technology in</p> <p>educational administration through action research, analyzing its potential value and challenges,</p> <p>and proposing targeted solutions. The findings reveal significant benefits of GPT in course content</p> <p>creation, contributing to improved efficiency in educational administration. However, the study also</p> <p>identifies challenges such as the complexity of technical integration, data security and privacy</p> <p>issues, dependency and misuse risks, and technology acceptance. To address these challenges,</p> <p>this paper offers a series of detailed strategies and operational recommendations, providing</p> <p>evidence-based support and practical reference for educational administrators to promote intelligent</p> <p>and efficient development in educational management.</p> Mengchuan Wu Copyright (c) 2024 Advances in Humanities and Modern Education Research 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 1 1 18 30 10.70114/ahmer.2024.1.1.P18 Momentum in Tennis Echoes in each Bounce <p>The 2023 Wimbledon Gentlemen’s final unfolded as a remarkable battle, characterized</p> <p>by momentum shifts. However, it is challenging to measure momentum and its effect on the events</p> <p>during the match. This article primarily focuses on how to quantify and evaluate momentum, predict</p> <p>the swings of the match, test the generality and provide useful advice to players and coaches.</p> <p>Firstly, we conduct data pre-processing by removing outliers on the given data according to the</p> <p>tennis rules. Next, in order to identify which player is performing better, we select 10 secondary</p> <p>indicators based on Spearman Correlation Coefficients, such as distance and rally_count from two</p> <p>aspects: technique and physiology. Then, we combine CRITIC method to calculate the weights of</p> <p>related indicators and TOPSIS method to evaluate the performance. The result indicates that the</p> <p>model can capture the flow of the match and Carlos Alcaraz performs better by a higher momentum</p> <p>of 0.06 in the given data with match_id of 2023-wimbledon-1301. Then, to assess the coach’s claim</p> <p>regarding the role of momentum in the match, we establish a model for on-court situation changes</p> <p>using statistical methods and compare it with CRITICTOPSIS model. By comparison, we conclude</p> <p>that the change in momentum trend shows a 59% correlation with the outcome of the next point and</p> <p>there is a clear correlation between the changes in Momentum and on-court situation. That is to say,</p> <p>momentum do play a role in the match.</p> Yifei Cheng Linhui Zhao Jiexi Lian Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 1 1 7 17 10.70114/ahmer.2024.1.1.P7 Digital Resources Construction and Education Research for the Course of Material Research and Testing Methods <p>The course of Materials Research and Testing Methods aims to help students master the</p> <p>skills of testing and analyzing the composition, structure, property and performance of materials. To</p> <p>improve the teaching quality of this course and help the students understand well about the content,</p> <p>we introduced the distinctive teaching methods such as applying case teaching, developing virtual</p> <p>simulation software and database of cutting-edge instruments, carrying out instrument training,</p> <p>building platform of instrument popularization and national first-class course, guiding research</p> <p>projects and scientific competitions. Therefore, the course has its own distinctive materials that are</p> <p>collected to build the digital resources. How the teaching quality of this course improved by these</p> <p>methods will also be discussed. Furthermore, the construction of the digital resources can help</p> <p>students realize the new learning mode of learning at any time, flexible learning and long-term</p> <p>learning, broadening the channels and ways for students to study the course.</p> De Fang Xu Gao Han Zhou Ziqi Gu Shiyang Li Caihong Lv Hailing Ao Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 1 1 31 38 10.70114/ahmer.2024.1.1.P31 Digital Case Database Construction and Case Teaching for the Course of Modern Testing Technology of Materials <p>The course of modern testing technology of materials has the properties of strong</p> <p>comprehensive nature and practical characteristic. Case database construction and case teaching</p> <p>play significant roles in enhancing the teaching quality and effects of the course for teachers and</p> <p>students. Based on the methods and techniques for measuring materials, this course designs basic</p> <p>theoretical cases, enterprise production cases, laboratory ability verification project cases and</p> <p>cutting-edge cases of joint use technology, and introduces them into the classroom for</p> <p>implementation, and the related cases are collected to build the digital case database. On the one</p> <p>hand, based on the digital case database, the implementation of case teaching of this course</p> <p>overcomes the difficulty that the teaching content is relatively independent and the students are</p> <p>difficult to compare and analyze the similar methods and techniques for measuring materials,</p> <p>making the students’ theoretical foundation more solid. On the other hand, based on the digital case</p> <p>database, the case teaching makes a comprehensive analysis of practical problems in production</p> <p>practice, stimulates students’ creativity and interest, and encourages students to provide solutions</p> <p>for the development or improvement of testing means, thus improving the quality of courses and the</p> <p>effectiveness of education. According to the survey, more students were satisfied with case</p> <p>teaching for the course of modern testing technology of materials and their test scores had been</p> <p>significantly improved. Furthermore, the digital case database broaden the channels and ways for</p> <p>students to study the course, and help students realize the new learning mode of learning at any</p> <p>time, flexible learning and long-term learning.</p> De Fang Jiayuan Wang Tao Jing Tianyi Gao Caihong Lv Han Zhou Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 1 1 39 46 10.70114/ahmer.2024.1.1.P39 Research on the brand design and cultural tourism development of Chinese minority festivals from the perspective of ritual theory <p>Under the background of the current national unity and the integration of culture and</p> <p>tourism, this paper deeply explores the development dilemma of ethnic minority festival activities,</p> <p>reveals the dynamic relationship between ethnic minority festival activities and social structure, and</p> <p>then identifies the root causes of its development dilemma, and seeks to promote its contemporary</p> <p>inheritance and development through brand design. Using literature analysis and theoretical</p> <p>analysis, this paper systematically combs the historical evolution, current situation and challenges</p> <p>of ethnic minority festival activities. Especially in the perspective of ritual theory, in-depth analysis of</p> <p>the cultural connotation and social function of national festivals, as well as its adaptation and</p> <p>change in contemporary social changes. The study found that due to the changes in the social</p> <p>structure, the fracture of cultural heritage and the intensification of external competition, the current</p> <p>ethnic minority festival activities are facing problems such as insufficient inheritance, low popularity</p> <p>and weakening of festival activities. By creating a festival brand with local characteristics and</p> <p>cultural connotation, it can stimulate national pride and cultural identity, promote the integration and</p> <p>development of national unity and cultural tourism industry, reconstruct the social foundation of</p> <p>ethnic festival activities, and enhance their cultural value and market influence. Therefore, we</p> <p>should actively explore and practice the application of brand design in ethnic minority festivals, and</p> <p>make positive contributions to the protection and inheritance of traditional culture of ethnic</p> <p>minorities.</p> Ruokai Lu Dianlin Wei Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 1 1 47 56 10.70114/ahmer.2024.1.1.P47 Numerical investigation of interaction of two internal solitary waves with different initial wave amplitudes <p>The present study investigates the collision of two internal solitary waves with different</p> <p>initial amplitudes using a multi-domain boundary element method. It calculates and discusses wave</p> <p>profiles, residence time, and phase shifting. Observations reveal that tail waves are induced during</p> <p>the collision process, with the amplitude of the tail wave increasing as the initial amplitude of the</p> <p>internal solitary wave increases. Residence time, defined in terms of the interaction between waves</p> <p>of different initial amplitudes, decreases as wave amplitudes increase, eventually stabilizing at a</p> <p>constant value. Additionally, phase shifting increases with wave amplitude, with the rate of increase</p> <p>slowing down as the wave profile becomes relatively large.</p> Yingjie Hu Zongbing Yu Li Zou Xinyu Ma Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-23 2024-07-23 1 1 57 62 10.70114/ahmer.2024.1.1.P57 Forecasting Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Qingdao City Based on CNN-BiLSTM-Attention Model <p>Purpose:A deep learning model CNN-BiLSTM-Attention was proposed, which realized</p> <p>the prediction of the outbreak rule and trend of HFMD in Qingdao, and could provide scientific basis</p> <p>for the relevant departments to formulate preventive measures..Methods:Based on the data of</p> <p>temperature, humidity and HFMD in Qingdao city, a multi-source heterogeneous data set was</p> <p>constructed and a long-term time series prediction model was proposed based on attention</p> <p>mechanism, which can predict the future incidence trend of HFMD. Then, ablation experiments</p> <p>were performed to verify the importance of each module, and comparison experiments with</p> <p>infectious disease dynamic model (SEIIeQR) and statistical model (ARIMA, SARIMA) proved the</p> <p>accuracy of the proposed model..Results:The ablation experiments demonstrated that the CNN</p> <p>module,Attention module,and BiLSTM module could effectively enhance the model's</p> <p>performance.The comparative experiment results revealed the superiority of the deep learning</p> <p>model in predicting HFMD outbreaks in Qingdao City.Conclusion:The multi-source heterogeneous</p> <p>dataset incorporating average temperature and relative humidity data significantly improved the</p> <p>model's accuracy.The CNN-BiLSTM-Attention model outperforms traditional methods in predicting</p> <p>HFMD incidence in Qingdao City,thereby assisting relevant departments in Qingdao to adopt</p> <p>scientific preventive measures against HFMD.</p> Feiyan Zhang Yan Liu Haiping Duan Yiwan Lai Jing Jia XueLing Xin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-23 2024-07-23 1 1 63 71 10.70114/ahmer.2024.1.1.P63 Using Latin Square Methodology to Test Vocabulary through Story Reading <p>Recognizing the need for objectivity when assessing readers' comprehension across</p> <p>multiple iterations and texts, the study explores how the traditional Latin Square design can be</p> <p>refined to accommodate such requirements. This paper delves into the application and adaptation</p> <p>of Latin Square methodology in vocabulary testing through multiple readings of stories. By</p> <p>examining the challenges and opportunities presented by multi-pass reading materials, the paper</p> <p>proposes strategies to enhance the validity and reliability of vocabulary assessments, ensuring that</p> <p>readers' performance is accurately captured and analyzed</p> Qingsong Peng Hui Yuan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-15 2024-10-15 1 1 72 77